Watching this DVD is the fastest way to learn how to grow food in your backyard or small farm. This video will save you many years of effort and its loaded with quality information to get you up to speed as quickly as possible.
Not long ago humans fed themselves, provided for their on needs and were largely self sufficient. They knew how to feed themselves, how to take care of animals, what to plant and what to do when something went wrong. This video collection “Food Production Systems for a Backyard or Small Farm” is your guide to recapturing that lost knowledge.
Section 1: Overview
Why we began this journey
Soil types and climate of the site
Section 2: Water
Water sources and qualities of water
How much water do you need?
Rain water collection systems
Section 3: Garden
Garden location
Size – how much area do you need?
Bio-Intensive gardening overview
Watering the garden
Sun and shade
Bugs and insects
Vegetable varieties and seed saving
Getting started
Section 4: Rabbits
Housing and protection
Watering systems
Other resources
Section 5: Home Butchering
Butchering a rabbit
Tanning hides
Butchering poultry
Other animals
Section 6: Poultry
Chicken breeds
Housing and egg collecting
Predator protection
Getting started
Section 7: Dogs
Why dogs?
Dog training
Size and breeds
Final thoughts
Section 8: Perennials: Orchards, Food Forests, and Edible Landscaping
Locations and micro climates
Using geese for fertility
Tree varieties
Planting and care of trees
Getting started
Section 9: Other Essentials
Calorie crops
Solar food dehydration
Home made herbicide test
Fire ants
Hog panels and tee posts
Water levels and mapping contours
Rocket stove and hay box cooker
In The Wake; a manual for outliving civilization
Propagating leuceana
Hello, the link for part 2 is invalid/expired. Thanks for sharing the knowledge 🙂
Should be fixed – I’ve replaced the multiple links with one large file.
Thanks 🙂