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December 11, 2012

gardeners’ world s39e33 2006.

22nd December 2006 – Christmas Special.

Monty Don, Joe Swift, Carol Klein and Sarah Raven celebrate the season with a feast for the senses at Berryfields. Monty gets busy in the kitchen garden, harvesting roots, greens, herbs and fruits for a sumptuous festive feast for the whole team. Carol creates a scented and […]

November 12, 2011

gardeners’ world s39e34 2006.

29th December 2006

Joe Swift looks back over the evolution of the three new presenter gardens. From blank canvas to beautiful new gardens, we see the evolution of Monty’s lush shady garden, Carol’s garden from seeds and cuttings, and Joe’s small and functional family garden.


November 9, 2011

gardeners world s39 special – allotment life.

Horticultural special. March 2006

Monty Don explores allotment life, meeting a diverse cast of characters and learning some unusual growing techniques along the way. He visits 4 different allotment sites in Birmingham, from the small, to the largest allotment in the country – the 400 site Uplands Allotment. Also theres a visit to […]

November 5, 2011

gardeners’ world s39e27 2006.

10th November 2006.

Many viewers will have been growing chilli plants along with the Berryfields team. This week’s programme presents the results, as well as some viewers’ stories. Monty will sum up future plans for next year, Carol will be collecting and sowing berries, and Joe will be planting up containers for winter […]

November 2, 2011

gardeners’ world s39e26 2006.

3rd November 2006

Monty spends time clearing and cleaning the vegetable garden now the growing season is at an end. Sarah Raven visits a Victorian walled kitchen garden to learn about forcing and blanching, and Joe swift spends time in the green houses.


October 25, 2011

gardeners’ world s39e25 2006.

27th October 2006

The nights are drawing in and it is time to protect tender plants from the colder weather. Monty is wrapping up the banana plants and tree ferns, Carol clears out plants that are past their best, and Joe looks at propagating plants which attract butterflies and moths. There is also an update […]

October 20, 2011

gardeners’ world s39e24 2006.

Aired 20th October 2006.

Monty is in his shade garden planting for spring colour, Carol is planting tulips and winter bedding, while Joe is in his family garden planting in pots for structure and adding ground cover. Also, the results of the hottest chilli trial.


October 18, 2011

gardeners’ world s39e23 2006.

Aired 13th October 2006

With autumn here, the team are busy propagating plants for next year. Monty takes leaf cuttings of succulents in the dry garden, Joe tackles the Brugmansia at the hot end of the long borders and Carol shares some secrets on how to propagate lily bulbs.


October 9, 2011

gardeners’ world s39e22 2006.

It’s the perfect time of year to move and dig up plants and it’s all hands on deck as Monty, Carol and Joe reassess, fine tune and make some major changes to the planting in the long borders.


October 4, 2011

gardeners’ world s39e21 2006.

It might be the end of summer but, for gardeners it’s a bountiful time. Monty harvests vegetables and fruit from the garden, Carol collects seeds and Joe is in the tropical garden pruning bamboo.
