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February 3, 2017

Hidden Gardens S02.

Hidden Gardens opens a door to a forgotten age of horticulture, and builds an interesting timeline of how gardening has changed over the centuries.

Hidden Gardens S02E01.mkv

  • Ep1: Bridge End Gardens.
    Bridge End Gardens was originally designed by philanthropist Quaker Francis Gibson, who bequeathed the 4-acre garden to the town of Saffron Walden in Essex.
    The Wilderness Garden and the Dutch Topiary Garden, with its classical yew topiary, are restored by relying on journals, photographs and a single sketch by Gertrude Jekyll.
  • Ep2: Norton Priory, Cheshire.
    At Norton Priory, Cheshire, an ambitious restoration of a 900-year old monastic garden is underway. The goal is to create an authentic 12th century medicinal herb garden, as would typically have been used by the Priory. With all evidence of the original gardens lost, they consult medieval scholars and look for inspiration to other restored Benedictine monastery gardens in Europe.
  • Ep3: La Chaire.
    Nestled on the Channel island of Jersey, La Chaire is the exotic garden designed and planted by Samuel Curtis--or what remains of it. Once it was planted with tender and tropical exotics from around the world, grown for the first time outside in the UK, rather than under glass. Stripped during the occupation and closed to the public for over 100 years, now little remains of this lost garden but crumbling walls. The challenge is to restore the garden using historically accurate planting, with few records beyond unearthed plant labels.
  • Ep4: Croome Park.
    Croome Park, Worcestershire, is one of Capability Brown's most famous classic English landscape gardens. The original landscape design is being restored by the National Trust, using detailed plant lists, letters from collectors and original invoices from the 18th century.
    As part of this massive project, the man made lake and river are drained and excavated and once the overgrowth is removed, original outbuildings and vistas are revealed.
  • Ep5: Currently Missing.
  • Ep6: Greenway.
    Once mystery writer Agatha Christie's garden, Greenway is now owned by the National Trust and is home to several collections of rare and unusual species of plants. The large camellia garden and the Victorian fern grotto are restored and replanted.

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