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November 5, 2011

gardeners’ world s39e27 2006.

10th November 2006.

Many viewers will have been growing chilli plants along with the Berryfields team. This week's programme presents the results, as well as some viewers' stories. Monty will sum up future plans for next year, Carol will be collecting and sowing berries, and Joe will be planting up containers for winter colour.

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November 2, 2011

gardeners’ world s39e26 2006.

3rd November 2006

Monty spends time clearing and cleaning the vegetable garden now the growing season is at an end. Sarah Raven visits a Victorian walled kitchen garden to learn about forcing and blanching, and Joe swift spends time in the green houses.

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October 30, 2011

gardening australia s22e38 2011.

Jerry Coleby-Williams plants sweet potatoes on his verge to make the most of every piece of his productive patch. Clarence Slockee visits the Towra Team, a group of indigenous trainees working with NSW Parks to restore, protect and connect with their country, while Sophie Thomson explores The Adelaide Botanic Gardens to show how Australian plants can be used to create a range of traditional garden styles.

Gardening Australia s22e38.avi

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October 29, 2011

gardeners’ world s44e27 2011.

Monty Don gets going with autumn garden maintenance whilst looking back over the year and reviewing his borders to see which plants have done well and which haven't. As he clears annuals that are past their best, he plans a colourful display for late spring by planting up the garden with tulips. Carol Klein is at Glebe Cottage, continuing work on her new raised beds and taming an overgrown and unruly rambling rose, explaining how to prune and tie it in for maximum flower performance next summer.

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October 25, 2011

gardeners’ world s39e25 2006.

27th October 2006

The nights are drawing in and it is time to protect tender plants from the colder weather. Monty is wrapping up the banana plants and tree ferns, Carol clears out plants that are past their best, and Joe looks at propagating plants which attract butterflies and moths. There is also an update on the work that has taken place around the pond.

Gardeners World s39e25.avi

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October 23, 2011

gardening australia s22e37 2011.

Sophie Thompson speaks with teenager Daniel Lutz, to find out who sparked his incredible passion for gardening. John Patrick visits a garden designed for a large family who love to play outdoors, and Tino Carnevale plants some of his favourite summer crops capsicum, chillies and beans.

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October 22, 2011

gardeners’ world s44e26 2011.

With autumn well under way, some plants in the garden need to be brought in under cover. Monty Don makes a start by insulating his greenhouse to provide a winter home for all sorts of tender plants and gives his tips and techniques for ensuring their survival until next year. Carol Klein visits the garden of a tropical plant enthusiast to find out how he protects some of his exotic specimens and also discovers some which are perfectly hardy in Britain's climate. And Monty's at the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden in South Africa admiring many of their native plants which are also familiar to British gardens.

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October 20, 2011

gardeners’ world s39e24 2006.

Aired 20th October 2006.

Monty is in his shade garden planting for spring colour, Carol is planting tulips and winter bedding, while Joe is in his family garden planting in pots for structure and adding ground cover. Also, the results of the hottest chilli trial.

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October 18, 2011

gardeners’ world s39e23 2006.

Aired 13th October 2006

With autumn here, the team are busy propagating plants for next year. Monty takes leaf cuttings of succulents in the dry garden, Joe tackles the Brugmansia at the hot end of the long borders and Carol shares some secrets on how to propagate lily bulbs.

Gardeners World s39e23.avi

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October 16, 2011

gardening australia s22e36 2011.

Jane Edmanson profiles her favourite plants for cut flowers and shows how to grow them, Jerry Coleby-Williams explores a garden in Brisbane, filled to the brim with colourful foliage, flowers and established trees. In the Vegie Patch, Tino Carnevale shares his tips for growing tomatoes and checks in on his lettuce experiment and Stephen Ryan updates the Vegie Guide - looking at what's good to plant in vegie gardens around the country.

Gardening Australia s22e36.avi

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