August 24, 2012 25th July 2009.
Jerry Coleby-Williams shows how to grow and care for citrus trees, and profiles some of the best varieties for the home garden, Leonie Norrington plants and harvests a range of leafy green vegetables from Asia that can be grown all year round in the Top End, Sophie Thomson demonstrates how […]
August 19, 2012 Jerry shows Costa around his garden to talk about the ways he uses plants, John visits a street in the Melbourne suburb of Ringwood, redesigned to stop flooding, catch and clean water using native plants, and grow edible plants for the locals, and Josh visits a mate’s place and shows how to collect, […]
August 15, 2012 11th August 2012.
Jane is at a heritage listed property on the outskirts of Melbourne that tells a story of the enduring legacy of Italian migration on Australia’s food culture, Sophie visits a secondary school in Adelaide where students from diverse backgrounds learn English and share their experiences through gardening, and Josh Byrne […]
August 9, 2012 18th July 2009.
Tino Carnevale is in The Veggie Patch in Hobart’s Botanic Gardens to demonstrate how to prune different types of fruit trees in winter, for a full and healthy summer crop. John Patrick visits historic Glen Harrow in Melbourne’s Dandenong Ranges and discovers a significant collection of rare trees from around […]
August 5, 2012 4th August 2012.
Sophie is on the rooftop of a community medical centre to see how the clients use a productive garden as part of their therapy, Costa is in inner city Paddington at the old reservoir that’s been transformed from derelict infrastructure into a sunken garden for all to enjoy , and […]
August 2, 2012 11th July 2009.
Know Your Weeds: Jerry Coleby-Williams explains the importance of identifying weeds in the garden, and shows how to put some of them to good use, Leonie Norrington visits a garden in Darwin dedicated to growing plants native to the top end of Australia while Colin Campbell explains the different types […]
July 30, 2012 28th July 2012.
Jane meets the curator in charge of the diverse collection of Southern Chinese plants at the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne to find out the story behind it, Sophie meets an obsessive collector and breeder of carnivorous plants, who’s travelled the world in search of the weirdest varieties and Costa visits […]
July 26, 2012 21st July 2012.
Costa jumps on board with the Canterbury Garden Care volunteers to lend a hand assisting a passionate older gardener, Colin picks his favourite plants for beginners and explains how best to use them and Tino is out in the patch keeping fit during winter, digging in compost and planting the […]
July 16, 2012 14th July 2012.
Costa helps a local school make productive use of small sunny space by helping to install an aquaponics system, Tino shows us how to select nursery stock that will perform best in the garden and Sophie meets Tori Moreton who started an inspiring project for new gardeners to grow their […]
July 10, 2012 4th July 2009.
Sophie Thomson explains what to look for when choosing bare rooted plants, and shows how to plant them, Josh Byrne shows how to repair and maintain the most common garden tools to get the best out of them, and Angus Stewart visits Canberra to explore the Australian National Botanic Gardens, […]
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