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April 1, 2013

gardening australia s24e03 2013.

March 30th 2013.

Costa updates the verge's progress and plants an avocado hedge for neighbour Deb and the street community. Jane explores Werribee Park in Melbourne's west, revealing its rich horticultural past and how the garden is currently being used, and Tino goes through the grand plan for his recently purchased home, and shows us his early successes and failures. Also, Jerry meets an enthusiastic young gardener in Brisbane's south who caught the gardening bug at an early age, and is working towards a life in the garden, while Jane drops in on the kitchen garden at Werribee Park which is being run to benefit female Burmese migrants in the Melbourne's western suburbs.


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March 31, 2013

gardening australia s20e36 2009.

October 3rd 2009.

Stephen does some maintenance on his garden beds to prepare them for the summer while Jerry Colby-Williams prepares his productive garden for the long hot season ahead, collecting seed from spent crops and planting some vegetables tough enough to cope with the difficult conditions - huauzontle, quinoa and epasote. Colin Campbell meets an arborist to find out what is involved in the long term care and management of mature trees, and when the home gardener should consult a professional. Also, Leonie Norrington shows how she constructs her Vegie plot enclosure, an essential for productive gardeners in the top end, to protect her crops from extreme weather, animals, birds, bats and insects.


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March 30, 2013

gardeners’ world s46e04 2013.

March 29th 2013.

There's a long Easter weekend ahead to get to grips with timely gardening tasks and Monty Don has plenty of ideas of what to do now. Amongst other jobs he’ll be cutting back his grass borders while Joe Swift reveals his top tips for creating a naturalistic garden. Carol Klein makes her way down to Cornwall in search of a garden full of beautiful spring colour, and if you’re heading off to the garden centre this weekend, there’s all you need to know about bedding plants from the ‘living catalogue’ of new and existing varieties at Ball Colegrave in Banbury, Oxfordshire.


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March 29, 2013

gardeners’ world s42 special: for peats sake.

27th March 2009.

Toby Buckland explores the use of peat and its alternatives in gardening. The government has a target that growing media should be 90 per cent peat-free by 2010. Toby talks to gardeners who are passionate about using the material, and also meets the environmentalists who campaign for preserving peat bogs.

Gardeners World s42e01 For Peats Sake

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March 29, 2013

gardeners’ world s42 special: no grounds for gardening.

March 20th 2009.

Garden designer Joe Swift has a dream of city streets completely dominated by nature. But with Britain's green space actually being relentlessly squeezed, it takes the vision of France's pioneering botanist and designer Patrick Blanc to offer a truly original solution with his unique and stunning vertical gardens or 'murs vegetals'. Joe believes these gorgeous living tapestries offer hope even where there are no grounds for gardening.

Gardeners World s42_Specials-No_Grounds_for_Gardening

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March 29, 2013

gardeners’ world s42 special: the plant addicts.

March 13th 2009.

Carol Klein is addicted to plants. The former nursery woman and Gardeners' World presenter has been passionate about them since she was a small child. In this nostalgic journey, Carol retraces her life through the plants that have meant the most to her, meeting friends who share her obsession.

Gardeners World s42_Special Plant Addicts

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March 27, 2013

gardeners’ world s38e33 2005.

October 28th 2005.

Its the time of year to deal with what can be a blessing or a curse - fallen leaves. Left alone they can smother grass and kill borders, but they can also be converted into luxurious compost. Monty also has an eye to next Autumn's foliage and plants some shrubs to bring colour and interest next year. Carol plants a native hedge, and Joe is in the courtyard, planting up containers to bring colour through out the winter.


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March 23, 2013

gardeners’ world s46e03 2013.

March 22nd 2013.

This week on Gardeners’ World, Monty Don shows how to prepare for spring and summer with timely tasks in the damp garden and soft fruit area. Joe Swift continues his series of master classes on planting design to help achieve the garden of our dreams - this week he is sharing tips on how to create a tropical green oasis. Also, Carol is in her Devon garden planting a viburnum that will give spring colour and fill the garden with fragrance. By considering its natural, native habitat, Carol shows how to plant it in the perfect place.


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March 23, 2013

gardening australia s24e02 2013.

March 23rd 2013.

Josh meets a young couple passionate about their plot of paradise in the suburbs, a productive garden they learn from every day, Sophie demonstrates how to propagate succulents. and Costa is at Mt Annan Botanic Garden to meet D'harawal Elder Aunty Fran to find out what we can learn from the landscape around us and why it is important. Also this week Angus shows us around his place in the bush demonstrating what he's learned by observing and experimenting around his garden while Tino visits a garden that's a labour of love for second generation nurseryman Dan Magnus who's now instilling gardening curiosity in his own children.


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March 22, 2013

how to create a garden.

Based in the historic gardens of Fota House in Cork, "How to Create a Garden" is a new series where in real time and working to a strict budget, two gardeners will create two new gardens from scratch. The garden plots are the size of the average Irish back garden, with one of them favouring fruit and vegetables, while the other plot will be of more interest to those who like their shrubs and flowers.

With six programmes in the spring and six in the summer, the series leads viewers step by step through the process of creating their own garden and shows everything from how to plant seeds to how to lay a patio.


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