August 14, 2011 Stephen Ryan visits a young mother and passionate gardener to chat about her creative and productive suburban garden, Jane Edmanson travels to The Australian Garden in Cranbourne – the inspiration for the gold medal winning garden at The Chelsea Flower Show – to see the exciting new development under construction. Meanwhile Jerry Coleby-Williams […]
August 9, 2011 John Patrick visits a garden where the designer has managed to make productive use of a series of unusual gardening spaces, while Colin Campbell checks in on plant collector Bill Coombes, in Brisbane, to see how his garden is recovering after the devastating QLD floods. Also Josh Byrne checks on the progress of […]
July 31, 2011 Sophie Thomson shows how to keep the kids gardening through the winter months with some fun planting ideas. Josh Byrne visits a couple who have worked together for over twenty years to create an abundant food forest garden and Jerry Coleby-Williams shows how to take advantage of the cool dry weather in the […]
July 24, 2011 Tino Carnevale digs in the green manure crop, checks the progress of winter crops and plants a range of herbs in his handmade garden, Clarence Slockee drops in on a local legend to see the unusual garden he has created on Sydney’s most notorious strip and Jerry Coleby-Williams shows some of the unusual edible crops […]
July 17, 2011 Stephen Ryan visits Gwen Ford to explore her iconic Australian garden, created by her late husband Gordon, one of Australia’s most eminent 20th century designers. Angus Stewart explains how to pick plants that will thrive when planted around swimming pools and Sophie Thomson shows how to keep your kids gardening in winter, by […]
July 10, 2011 Tino Carnevale visits his dad to learn how he prunes his grapevines to create healthy vines and a bumper crop. Colin Campbell discovers some stunning Camellias and then gives his tips for growing them in the subtropics and Stephen Ryan profiles some of his favourite small trees that also produce a crop.
July 2, 2011 Sophie Thomson visits young gardening sensation Daniel Lutz to get his top tips for growing winter vegies, Stephen Ryan updates the Vegie Guide – looking at what’s good to plant in vegie Gardens, around the country and Josh Byrne shows how to make a cheap hydroponic system to grow herbs and greens in […]
June 26, 2011 A Family Backyard Part 2: After helping with the initial layout, Josh Byrne re-visits a young family to help them with the next step building their dream back yard by defining paths and garden beds, preparing for irrigation and starting the trellis for the fruit trees. Clarence Slockee looks a spectacular group of […]
June 18, 2011 Sat 18th June 2011.
Stephen Ryan visits the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne to explore their collection of unusual plants and mature trees, Sophie Thomson visits a young garden where the owners dug-up, moved and replanted everything from their former home and Jerry Coleby-Williams looks at the Pandanus and shows why he likes […]
June 12, 2011 Sat 11th June 2011.
Stephen Ryan goes through the steps on how to make successful cuttings of conifers, while Tino Carnevale is doing some essential winter jobs including thinning beetroot, carrots and parsnips seedlings, training the climbing peas and planting a new crop of garlic. Jane Edmanson follows retired flower grower Frank Baguley […]
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