November 21, 2011 March 26th 2010.
Its time to get the veg patch underway, so theres tips on growing quick crops in small spaces. Theres also advice on how to get the best from Camellias, and a look at what makes the perfect hedge for a garden.
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November 21, 2011 March 19th 2010
Spring is almost around the corner, and with that in mind theres top tips on planting colourful bedding plants, advice on finding nectar rich plants that help attract bee's to your garden, and the team take a close look at a British classic - the Primula.
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November 19, 2011 March 12th 2010
Toby Buckland creates a new pergola at Greenacre while Joe maintains the prairie border. The Royal Horticultural Society show some rose pruning techniques at Hyde Hall and At Castle Howard, Brian Deighton gives a tour of the stately home's rose garden.
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November 15, 2011 March 5th 2010
Toby looks at the best varieties of snowdrop available for the garden and offers tips on the the best strains of tomatoes. Joe joins Toby as they get the fruit garden under way while at Glebe Cottage, Carol takes a closer look at the Hellebore family. Also in this program, Alys plants some sweet peas for picking during the summer.
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November 12, 2011 29th December 2006
Joe Swift looks back over the evolution of the three new presenter gardens. From blank canvas to beautiful new gardens, we see the evolution of Monty's lush shady garden, Carol's garden from seeds and cuttings, and Joe's small and functional family garden.
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November 12, 2011 Jane Edmanson visits a flower grower who also grows vegetables for St Kilda's Sacred Heart Mission to help feed the homeless, Josh Byrne visits the young family to see the results of the playful and productive garden he has helped them to create and Jerry Coleby-Williams visits a seedling nursery to find out how they grow them to perfection. Also, Tino Carnevale meets a gardener who has overcome the challenge of a new gardening climate, having moved from Queensland to the Apple Isle.
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November 11, 2011 16 August 1996
The second program in tribute to Geoff Hamilton. Alongside clips of Geoff at his best, there are contributions from many of gardening's famous names.
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November 11, 2011 9th August 1996
The first of 2 programs in tribute Geoff Hamilton, who sadly died just two days after recording this episode.
Geoff reviews the progress of his low-cost border from seed, installs the rose fountain in the Reclaimed Garden, reports on quick-cropping strawberries, and prunes a Weigela, while Pippa Greenwood tells us about the dreaded Fire-blight plant disease, Stephen Lacey visits the walled Victorian garden and glasshouses at West Dean near Chichester, and Gay Search explores a specialist fuschia nursery.
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November 9, 2011 Horticultural special. March 2006
Monty Don explores allotment life, meeting a diverse cast of characters and learning some unusual growing techniques along the way. He visits 4 different allotment sites in Birmingham, from the small, to the largest allotment in the country - the 400 site Uplands Allotment. Also theres a visit to an annual produce show.
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November 6, 2011 Josh Byrne prepares for the summer heat, flushing and repairing irrigation lines, Stephen Ryan drops in on some old friends to explore their lovingly tended garden full of rare and unusual plants and Tino Carnevale demonstrates some simple ways to protect ripening crops. Also in this program Colin Campbell visits a gardener who has overcome a challenging sloped block, by using two distinctly different garden styles.
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