October 24, 2022 Costa’s catches up with turf expert, Neil Tweedy, in Sydney’s northwest. Hannah puts together a range of potted productive plant combinations, perfect to create a food forest for a small space, Millie shows how to clean tools so they can continue to work for her after storage, and Jerry visits a European cloister-style […]
October 24, 2022 Costa walks a trail that ties together ecological and mental health to learn about the benefits of nature for wellbeing, Jane tours the home garden of an environmentalist with beautiful plantings designed to provide food and habitat for native animals, and Sophie shows how to sheet mulch to create new garden beds.
October 8, 2022 Jane tours the home garden of an environmentalist with beautiful plantings designed to provide food and habitat for native animals, Sophie shows how to sheet mulch to create new garden beds, Tino visits the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens to explore the 120 different varieties of unique tomatoes cultivated for their annual tomato sale, […]
September 24, 2022 Tino tours a home centred around courtyards, Jane focuses on ferns while Josh trellises citrus trees, and Clarence learns about testing plants in public space. Jerry shares water management tips and Sophie visits a productive urban farm.
September 24, 2022 Costa heads out west to learn the importance of preserving overlooked wetland plants which support the international travels of migratory shorebirds, Jerry shows how to fix up a rundown garden, removing weeds and rejuvenating older plantings, to reveal its former glory, and Tino demonstrates how to prune fruit trees.
September 3, 2022 Jane meets a doctor who has transformed her front garden into a thriving flower farm, growing beautiful blooms for her own floral arranging practice, Tammy looks at some of the most challenging foliage plants to grow indoors and offers some tips on cultivating them to perfection, and Tino shows how to pest-proof your […]
August 28, 2022 Sophie meets a passionate home grower who focuses on flavour and colour, showing that you don’t have to choose between ornamental or productive gardening when you grow pretty produce, Clarence pots up stunning natives that can be squeezed into any garden, and Jerry learns of a program teaching students about native fish in […]
August 20, 2022 Tammy meets a couple who have turned their home into a high-tech hydroponic jungle, where they combine their horticultural passions to create stunning new Anthurium hybrids, Tino shares his tips to prepare the veggie patch for a bumper spring and summer; with some simple tasks that will prevent pests, minimise weeds, and enrich […]
June 25, 2022 Costa celebrates the ABC’s 90th; Millie prunes myriads of roses; Jane visits a historical horticultural society; Josh focuses on conservation at a zoo; Sophie explores a native garden; Tino shows how to love shrubs.
June 21, 2022 Jane and Millie head to the horticultural spectacular that is the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show speaking to some of the daring designers behind the top display gardens as well as exploring some of the many wonderful plants for sale, and shows how to squeeze the most use out of leftover citrus […]
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