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October 3, 2012

crisis on jimmy’s farm.

crisis on jimmys farm

Jimmy Doherty returns with a third series of Jimmy’s Farm and for once money is coming in and the farm is making hay. Though not everything is smooth sailing as Jimmy still has his hands full with over heating pigs and fly stricken sheep, naughty sheepdog puppies and the latest moneymaking scheme, a […]

March 15, 2012

jimmy’s farm s02.

jimmys farm 21

Second series following farming novice Jimmy Doherty on his quest to get a living from the land.

Ep1 The business’s expansion brings more problems, as members of staff show signs of discontent and the overheads keep rising. However, the looming Easter weekend offers the chance to make money in the shop, and the […]

March 10, 2012

jimmy’s farm s01.

jimmys farm 1

Series repack.

Jimmy Doherty, 27, has always dreamed of running his own farm. He completed his PhD on insects but is bored with academic life.

This is the story of how an Essex lad makes a bid to restore the British countryside and bring traditional food back to the public. People […]

February 24, 2012

back on jimmys farm.

This is a one hour special that fits between series 1 and series 2.

Jimmy’s farm shop has taken off, but now he’s got a problem. He cant breed pigs fast enough to supply the crowds clamouring for sausages, so he’s having to ‘buy in’. That means he’s losing money. Stockman Steve is brought in […]