June 16, 2024 The team are Birmingham-bound for one of the highlights of the horticultural year - the annual Gardeners’ World Live event. Monty Don, Nick Bailey, Adam Frost, Sue Kent, Carol Klein and Frances Tophill are all on hand to bring the best the gardening world has to offer. There are design inspirations for even the smallest of spaces plus big ideas on display in the show gardens, and all the latest trends and must-have plants and flowers in the floral marquee. There's an expert grower sharing her passion for orchids and a visit to a community project tackling green deprivation in the inner city, and Adam Frost reveals his headline show garden, which offers an abundance of edibles as well as being a feast for the eyes!

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June 16, 2024 Costa meets a passionate clivia grower boasting a range of exciting new colours and forms of the tough, versatile plant, Hannah visits a steep, shady garden producing a bountiful supply of fruits and vegetables despite getting no sun for months at a time, and Millie gets stuck into winter jobs, planting a dormant peach tree while resisting the urge to prune evergreens which provide shelter for wildlife. Jerry looks at fungi growing on tree stumps and how to control them.

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June 16, 2024 Kirsty Wilson discusses what to sow and plant in order to attract birds to the area, and Lizzie Schofieid continues her work refreshing the perennials in the zig-zag garden.

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June 8, 2024 With summer just around the corner, Monty reveals his plans for planting up pots in his cottage garden, shares tips on how to start your own topiary from scratch, and in the veg garden, gets some pumpkins in the ground. Sue Kent visits a unique garden in Carmarthenshire situated around a wooden house on stilts. Designed with an artistic eye, it’s a haven for wildlife with a magnificent pond as its centrepiece. Carol Klein also continues her masterclass on how we can all grow plants for free, and this time she is taking cuttings. In a sub-tropical garden in Devon is the rare horticultural treat of a Puya chilensis in flower. And in Suffolk, there's a gardener who holds a National Collection of bearded iris created by her great-great-grandfather.

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June 8, 2024 Millie and Tammy meet some of the award-winning designers from home and abroad at the Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show, Hannah farewells ailing apricot trees which succumbed to rot and replaces them with more resistant pear trees, and Jane showcases compact forms of traditionally large shrubs that can be incorporated into small gardens. Costa crafts a nifty, water efficient strawberry hamper from a discarded laundry basket and Sophie gives her tips for indoor plant care during winter.

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June 8, 2024 The flurry of planting and sowing in spring is over, and it’s time to check in and enjoy the results of all that hard work at Beechgrove Garden.

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June 1, 2024 With summer feasts in mind, Monty reveals a new outdoor eating area he has been working on and gets started by planting up a delicious pot of herbs. Now that any threat of frost has past, he also plants out tender plants to give months of colour. Carol Klein visits a spectacular garden in Oxfordshire where the borders are filled to the brim with colourful annuals, while Adam Frost explains the concept behind his forthcoming show garden at Gardeners’ World Live, and there’s an artist in Devon who has spent the last 25 years nurturing his garden for the benefit of wildlife. Plus a unique collection of rhododendrons cared for by three generations of the same family in Derbyshire.

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June 1, 2024 Sophie visits a botanist’s plant filled garden that is designed with both his love of plants and his dogs in mind, Clarence explains the history of the iconic garden gnome, and Millie explores the Garden of St Erth, where history and heritage plants form a beautifully productive patch, despite the extreme climate. Jerry shows a range of his favourite, bright and colourful tropical foliage plants while Josh plants some of his favourite edible perennial plants, that look as good as they taste.

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June 1, 2024 Carole Baxter is looking at bedding plants, which are safe to plant out now that the risk of frost has hopefully gone. She also has an update on the yellow rattle that was sown last year.

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